Object Definition Status Update

Object definition Status Update

Property Type Description
MailID Guid The mailID on which the status update originated
CustomerReference String The CustomerReference that was sent to us while sending the mail
MailingID Guid The mailingID of the mail
EventType String The type of the status update:
Sent = The mail was sent to the recipient
Unsubscribe = The recipient pressed the unsubscribe button in the mail
Delivered = The mail was delivered to the mail server of the recipient
Complaint = The recipient complaint about this mail, for example by clicking the mark as spam button
Bounced = The mail has bounced, this is usually a temporary failure like a busy mailserver
Blacklisted = The recipient is on the blacklist and we didn't send the mail. For example when the recipient pressed the unsubscribe button or the recipient caused a permanent bounce with an earlier mail.
Opened = The recipient opened the mail
ViewedInBrowser = The recipient clicked the view in browser link
Clicked = The recipient clicked a link
PermanentBounced = The address of the recipient caused a permanent bounce. Most likely the mailbox didn't exist. We will add this address to your blacklist
Information String Additional information about the status update, the information in here will depend on the type of status update
Bounced = The response we got from the mail server
PermanentBounced = The response we got from the mail server
Clicked = The link that was clicked
Blacklisted = What kind of type it has on the blacklist
Timestamp DateTime When the status update took place in CET
TimestampUtc DateTime When the status update took place in UTC