Object Definition Status Update
Object definition Status Update
Property | Type | Description |
MailID | Guid | The mailID on which the status update originated |
CustomerReference | String | The CustomerReference that was sent to us while sending the mail |
MailingID | Guid | The mailingID of the mail |
AccountID | Guid | The accountID of the mail |
ToAddress | String | The email addresss to which this mail was sent |
EventType | String | The type of the status update: Sent = The mail was sent to the recipient Unsubscribe = The recipient pressed the unsubscribe button in the mail Delivered = The mail was delivered to the mail server of the recipient Complaint = The recipient complaint about this mail, for example by clicking the mark as spam button Bounced = The mail has bounced, this is usually a temporary failure like a busy mailserver Blacklisted = The recipient is on the blacklist and we didn't send the mail. For example when the recipient pressed the unsubscribe button or the recipient caused a permanent bounce with an earlier mail. Opened = The recipient opened the mail ViewedInBrowser = The recipient clicked the view in browser link Clicked = The recipient clicked a link PermanentBounced = The address of the recipient caused a permanent bounce. Most likely the mailbox didn't exist. We will add this address to your blacklist |
Information | String | Additional information about the status update, the information in here will depend on the type of status update Bounced = The response we got from the mail server PermanentBounced = The response we got from the mail server Clicked = The link that was clicked |
Timestamp | DateTime | When the status update took place in CET |
TimestampUtc | DateTime | When the status update took place in UTC |
Updated 9 months ago