Object Definition Campaign
Object definition campaign
Property | Type | Description |
ID | Guid | The ID of the campaign |
AccountID | Guid | The accountID of the campaign |
Name | String | The name of the campaign |
CampaignType | Int (Enum) | The type of the campaign 1 = Newsletter campaign 2 = Test campaign 3 = Triggered campaign 4 = Test triggered campaign 5 = AB test campaign 6 = MultiLanguageNewsletter 7 = MultiLanguageTriggered |
CampaignState | Int (Enum) | The state of the campaign 1 = Saved, campaign is saved and can be send later. 2 = Ready for sending, campaign will be send right away or on the scheduled date. 3 = Picked up by queuer, this campaign is currently being picked up to send. 4 = Processed, this campaign has been processed. 5 = Stopped, this campaign has been stopped due to a too high bounce or complaint rate. 6 = OutOfCredits, this campaign has been stopped because there are not enough credits in your wallet. 7 = ABTestInProgress, this AB test campaign's test variants have been send and stats are being collected. 8 = PickedUpByFinisher, this AB test campaign is currently bein picked up to send the result mailing. |
ToAddressListID | Guid | The ID of the address list you want to send to. |
ScheduledOn | DateTime | The datetime to schedule this campaign. This datetime is in the CET timezone. Leave null if you want to send a campaign right away. If both ScheduledOn and ScheduledOnUtc are filled then ScheduledOnUtc is used. |
ScheduledOnUtc | DateTime | The datetime to schedule this campaign. This datetime is in UTC. Leave null if you want to send a campaign right away. |
TestPercentage | Decimal | The test percentage multiplier to use for your AB test newletter. This should be at least 0.10 (10%) or higher. Leave null if you want to send a newsletter or triggered campaign. If both ScheduledOn and ScheduledOnUtc are filled then ScheduledOnUtc is used. |
TestDurationMinutes | Int | The test duration to use for your AB test newsletter, this sould be at least 240 minutes (4 hours). Leave null if you want to send a newsletter or triggered campaign. |
TestMetricType | Int (Enum) | The type of the AB test metric 1 = ByOpenRate, the winning variation will be calculated by the open rate of an mailing as opens/sent. 2 = ByClickRate, the winning variation will be calculated by the click rate of an mailing as clicks/sent. 3 = ByClickThroughRate, the winning variation will be calculated by the click through rate of an mailing as clicks/opens. Leave null if you want to send a newsletter or triggered campaign. |
SendToRemainingOn | DateTime | The datetime to calculate the winning mailing and send it. This value is calculated automatically. This datetime is in the CET timezone. |
SendToRemainingOnUtc | DateTime | The datetime to calculate the winning mailing and send it. This value is calculated automatically. This datetime is in UTC. |
WinningVariationID | Guid | The ID of the best performing mailing based on the TestDuration and TestMetricType. This value will be filled when the campaign has the PickedUpByFinisher state. |
TotalRecipients | Int | The total recipients of your campaign. This one will automatically be filled when you create the campaign based on your address list. |
PreviewHtmlBody | String | A html with a preview of the campaign. In case of an AB test, version A will be shown when the test is running. When the test is finished, the winning variation will be shown. |
CampaignTags | Array of objects | Campaign tags for this campaign. See campaign tag object definition. |
GoogleAnalyticsTracking | Object | Google Analytics tracking for this campaign. See Google Analytics tracking object definition. |
LanguageConfiguration | Object | Language configuration for multi language campaigns. See Language Configuration object definition. |
CreatedOn | DateTime | When the campaign was created in CET |
CreatedOnUtc | DateTime | When the campaign was created in UTC |
ModifiedOn | DateTime | When the campaign was last modified in CET |
ModifiedOnUtc | DateTime | When the campaign was last modified in UTC |
SentOn | DateTime | When the campaign was sent in CET |
SentOnUtc | DateTime | When the campaign was sent in UTC |
DeletedOn | DateTime | When the campaign was deleted in CET |
DeletedOnUtc | DateTime | When the campaign was deleted in UTC |
Object definition Google Analytics tracking
Property | Type | Description |
Source | String | The source that should be used in the links, will end up in the utm_source tag |
Medium | String | The medium that should be used in the links, will end up in the utm_medium tag |
Campaign | String | The campaign that should be used in the links, will end up in the utm_campaign tag |
Object definition Language Configuration
Property | Type | Description |
FallbackMailingID | Guid | Optional mailingID, which will be sent to the contacts that are not mappable to one of the configurations. |
MultiLanguageConfigurations | Dictionary<Guid, Object> | Mapping of which mailing has what mapping. See Mailing Language Configuration object. |
Object definition Mailing Language Configuration
Property | Type | Description |
Languages | Array of strings | Languages that are part of that array |
Object definition statistics
Property | Type | Description |
CampaignID | String | The ID of the campaign |
Total | Int | Total number of recipients |
Statistics | Array of object | Statistics per state, see statistics object definition |
Object definition statistic
Property | Type | Description |
StatusID | Int | The ID of status |
Status | String | The name of the status |
NumberOfItems | Int | Number of items with the status |
Object definition clicks
Property | Type | Description |
Link | String | The url of the link |
NumberOfClicks | Int | The number of unique recipients that clicked this link |
Object definition statistic detail
Property | Type | Description |
EmailAddress | String | The email address of the recipient |
SentOn | DateTime | DateTime the mail was sent on in CET |
SentOnUtc | DateTime | DateTime the mail was sent on in UTC |
DeliveredOn | DateTime | DateTime the mail was delivered on in CET |
DeliveredOnUtc | DateTime | DateTime the mail was delivered on in UTC |
OpenedOn | DateTime | DateTime the user opened the mail in CET |
OpenedOnUtc | DateTime | DateTime the user opened the mail in UTC |
BouncedOn | DateTime | DateTime the mail has bounced on in CET |
BouncedOnUtc | DateTime | DateTime the mail has bounced on in UTC |
ComplainedOn | DateTime | DateTime the user complained on in CET |
ComplainedOnUtc | DateTime | DateTime the user complained on in UTC |
UnsubscribedOn | DateTime | DateTime the user unsubscirbed on in CET |
UnsubscribedOnUtc | DateTime | DateTime the user unsubscirbed on in UTC |
BlacklistedOn | DateTime | DateTime it was blacklisted on in CET. This means this recipient has caused a permanent bounce before, or unsubscribed and we haven't send to it with this campaign |
BlacklistedOnUtc | DateTime | DateTime it was blacklisted on in UTC. This means this recipient has caused a permanent bounce before, or unsubscribed and we haven't send to it with this campaign |
NumberOfClicks | Int | How many links a user has clicked. |
Updated 10 months ago