Object Definition Campaign

Object definition campaign

IDGuidThe ID of the campaign
AccountIDGuidThe accountID of the campaign
NameStringThe name of the campaign
CampaignTypeInt (Enum)The type of the campaign
1 = Newsletter campaign
2 = Test campaign
3 = Triggered campaign
4 = Test triggered campaign
5 = AB test campaign
6 = MultiLanguageNewsletter
7 = MultiLanguageTriggered
CampaignStateInt (Enum)The state of the campaign
1 = Saved, campaign is saved and can be send later.
2 = Ready for sending, campaign will be send right away or on the scheduled date.
3 = Picked up by queuer, this campaign is currently being picked up to send.
4 = Processed, this campaign has been processed.
5 = Stopped, this campaign has been stopped due to a too high bounce or complaint rate.
6 = OutOfCredits, this campaign has been stopped because there are not enough credits in your wallet.
7 = ABTestInProgress, this AB test campaign's test variants have been send and stats are being collected.
8 = PickedUpByFinisher, this AB test campaign is currently bein picked up to send the result mailing.
ToAddressListIDGuidThe ID of the address list you want to send to.
ScheduledOnDateTimeThe datetime to schedule this campaign. This datetime is in the CET timezone. Leave null if you want to send a campaign right away. If both ScheduledOn and ScheduledOnUtc are filled then ScheduledOnUtc is used.
ScheduledOnUtcDateTimeThe datetime to schedule this campaign. This datetime is in UTC. Leave null if you want to send a campaign right away.
TestPercentageDecimalThe test percentage multiplier to use for your AB test newletter. This should be at least 0.10 (10%) or higher. Leave null if you want to send a newsletter or triggered campaign. If both ScheduledOn and ScheduledOnUtc are filled then ScheduledOnUtc is used.
TestDurationMinutesIntThe test duration to use for your AB test newsletter, this sould be at least 240 minutes (4 hours). Leave null if you want to send a newsletter or triggered campaign.
TestMetricTypeInt (Enum)The type of the AB test metric
1 = ByOpenRate, the winning variation will be calculated by the open rate of an mailing as opens/sent.
2 = ByClickRate, the winning variation will be calculated by the click rate of an mailing as clicks/sent.
3 = ByClickThroughRate, the winning variation will be calculated by the click through rate of an mailing as clicks/opens.
Leave null if you want to send a newsletter or triggered campaign.
SendToRemainingOnDateTimeThe datetime to calculate the winning mailing and send it. This value is calculated automatically. This datetime is in the CET timezone.
SendToRemainingOnUtcDateTimeThe datetime to calculate the winning mailing and send it. This value is calculated automatically. This datetime is in UTC.
WinningVariationIDGuidThe ID of the best performing mailing based on the TestDuration and TestMetricType. This value will be filled when the campaign has the PickedUpByFinisher state.
TotalRecipientsIntThe total recipients of your campaign. This one will automatically be filled when you create the campaign based on your address list.
PreviewHtmlBodyStringA html with a preview of the campaign. In case of an AB test, version A will be shown when the test is running. When the test is finished, the winning variation will be shown.
CampaignTagsArray of objectsCampaign tags for this campaign. See campaign tag object definition.
GoogleAnalyticsTrackingObjectGoogle Analytics tracking for this campaign. See Google Analytics tracking object definition.
LanguageConfigurationObjectLanguage configuration for multi language campaigns. See Language Configuration object definition.
CreatedOnDateTimeWhen the campaign was created in CET
CreatedOnUtcDateTimeWhen the campaign was created in UTC
ModifiedOnDateTimeWhen the campaign was last modified in CET
ModifiedOnUtcDateTimeWhen the campaign was last modified in UTC
SentOnDateTimeWhen the campaign was sent in CET
SentOnUtcDateTimeWhen the campaign was sent in UTC
DeletedOnDateTimeWhen the campaign was deleted in CET
DeletedOnUtcDateTimeWhen the campaign was deleted in UTC

Object definition Google Analytics tracking

SourceStringThe source that should be used in the links, will end up in the utm_source tag
MediumStringThe medium that should be used in the links, will end up in the utm_medium tag
CampaignStringThe campaign that should be used in the links, will end up in the utm_campaign tag

Object definition Language Configuration

FallbackMailingIDGuidOptional mailingID, which will be sent to the contacts that are not mappable to one of the configurations.
MultiLanguageConfigurationsDictionary<Guid, Object>Mapping of which mailing has what mapping. See Mailing Language Configuration object.

Object definition Mailing Language Configuration

LanguagesArray of stringsLanguages that are part of that array

Object definition statistics

CampaignIDStringThe ID of the campaign
TotalIntTotal number of recipients
StatisticsArray of objectStatistics per state, see statistics object definition

Object definition statistic

StatusIDIntThe ID of status
StatusStringThe name of the status
NumberOfItemsIntNumber of items with the status

Object definition clicks

LinkStringThe url of the link
NumberOfClicksIntThe number of unique recipients that clicked this link

Object definition statistic detail

EmailAddressStringThe email address of the recipient
SentOnDateTimeDateTime the mail was sent on in CET
SentOnUtcDateTimeDateTime the mail was sent on in UTC
DeliveredOnDateTimeDateTime the mail was delivered on in CET
DeliveredOnUtcDateTimeDateTime the mail was delivered on in UTC
OpenedOnDateTimeDateTime the user opened the mail in CET
OpenedOnUtcDateTimeDateTime the user opened the mail in UTC
BouncedOnDateTimeDateTime the mail has bounced on in CET
BouncedOnUtcDateTimeDateTime the mail has bounced on in UTC
ComplainedOnDateTimeDateTime the user complained on in CET
ComplainedOnUtcDateTimeDateTime the user complained on in UTC
UnsubscribedOnDateTimeDateTime the user unsubscirbed on in CET
UnsubscribedOnUtcDateTimeDateTime the user unsubscirbed on in UTC
BlacklistedOnDateTimeDateTime it was blacklisted on in CET. This means this recipient has caused a permanent bounce before, or unsubscribed and we haven't send to it with this campaign
BlacklistedOnUtcDateTimeDateTime it was blacklisted on in UTC. This means this recipient has caused a permanent bounce before, or unsubscribed and we haven't send to it with this campaign
NumberOfClicksIntHow many links a user has clicked.