
Append new events to your account

Append new events to your account. Before you start sending events, you must have a matching EventTypeId that matches the message format you are about to send.

To find this EventTypeId, you can look at the event definitions within the Sources menu. The sources menu can be found within your CDP Environment.


POST Parameters

Name In Description Required Type Example
TenantId Path The tenant guid True Guid 069973bc-19a9-4854-b387-306254c2412e
Event type ID Path The event type guid True Guid 61c1603c-a105-43e5-9930-f8e4b184e6cd
X-CM-PRODUCTTOKEN Header or Query parameter Your product token True Guid 746477d0-d396-4af0-8f8e-dfd257640727
Body Body The event to append True Json object
    "Owner": "Jane Doe",  
    "Product": "Coffee",  
    "Amount": 1,  
    "Last Name": "Doe",  
    "First Name": "John",  
    "Mobile Phone": "0031612345678",  
    "Email Address": "[email protected]",  
    "Membership": "Subscribed"

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