Creating a company profile via API

In order to create a complete company profile, you need to fetch some information before you get started.

  • Does the combination of phone number types and country I want to use require any additional documents?
  • Does the combination of phone number types and country I want to use place any restrictions on the way I want to use my numbers?
  • Does the country of my company address require any additional information?


Creating a profile without supplying additional information

It’s entirely possible to create a new company profile without providing any additionally required information such as documents. This information can be supplied at any time, but keep in mind that we can’t start the approval proces unless your profile is completed.

Checking requirements

Based on the phone number types and country of the phone numbers you want to request, it’s possible that we require extra information. You can check these requirements using the Get Country Requirements endpoint with the country code of the country code of the country from which you want to operate phone numbers.

  • All requirements in the response with type = 1 represent documents that must be uploaded to the Voice Documents API. For more information on how to upload these documents, please see the Uploading documents paragraph below.
  • All requirements in the response with type = 2 represent requirements/restrictions for the company that will be using the phone numbers requested with this company profile. You don’t need to provide any additional information for these requirements, but it’s important to take note of these.
  • All requirements in the response with type = 3 represent requirements/restrictions for the phone number requests that will be created by this company profile. You don’t need to provide any additional information for these requirements, but it’s important to take note of these.

If the response is an empty list, the given country code and number types do not hold any additional requirements and you don’t need to upload any documents for you company profile.

Uploading documents

Due to laws, rules and regulations, some counties require certain documentation to be checked and verified for a company to be able to request and operate phone numbers in their country. To supply these documents, please upload these to the Voice Documents API Upload Documents. As a response from this endpoint, you’ll receive the Document GUID, please save this GUID so you can append this to the request to create a new company profile later.

Checking required fields

For some countries, we require additional information about the company that will be requesting/operating phone numbers, this can for example include a national tax numbers. To check if your company profile requires any of these required fields, you can call the Get Required Fields endpoint with the country code of you company address.

In the response of this request you will find a list of required fields, including example values with the expected formatting. If the response is an empty list, we do not require any additional required fields for the given country code.

To check if your required fields are valid before creating a new profile, you can use the Validate Required Fields endpoint.

Creating your company profile

After checking if your company profile requires any additional information, you can create your new profile via the Create Company Profile endpoint. If your profile requires any required fields as checked earlier, you can supply them in the requiredFields property as follows:

"requiredFields": {
	"required_field_key": "required_field_value"

If your profile requires any documents to be uploaded, after you’ve uploaded them to the Voice Documents API according to the steps described earlier, you can add the profile as follows:

"documents": [{
	"requirementKey": "requirement_key_value",
	"documentGuid": "Place GUID as response from the Documents API here"

After your profile has been created, it undergoes a verification process to make sure all supplied information is correct. You can see the status of this process in the statusKey property in the response object. Next to this, you will be kept up to date on any status changes via the supplied email addresses and callback URL. To get an overview of all possible statuses your profile can hold, please consult the Get Company Profile Statuses endpoint.

When your profile attains the status approved, you can start using your company profile to create new phone number requests.