HTTP request

The HTTP request block enables you to perform an HTTP request within your callflow. This allows you to fetch information from your APIs or send data collected during the callflow execution to your APIs.

Important notes

  • Timeout: The request has a timeout set to 15 seconds. If the server does not respond within this time, the request will be cancelled, and the Error output will be used.
  • Redirects: FlowBuilder does not allow redirect responses (HTTP 3xx). If the request is redirected, it will be cancelled, and the Error output will be used.
  • Response Size Limit: Responses larger than 1 MB are not accepted due to security considerations. If the response exceeds this limit, it will be ignored, and the Error output will be used.


Request methodThe HTTP method for the request: GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE.Yes
Request URLThe URL to which the request should be sent. This URL is validated for security reasons before the request is made.Yes
Request bodyJSON request body to be used with POST or PUT requests.No

Extract variables

The extract variables option allows you to extract values from the JSON response and store them in Flow variables, making them usable in subsequent steps of your flow.

Variable nameThe name under which the extracted value will be stored in Flow variables if found.Yes
Variable pathJSON path where the desired variable's value can be found in the JSON response body. If the path is invalid or the value cannot be found, the variable will be set to null.Yes

Request headers

With the request headers you can add custom headers to the request.

Header nameThe name of the header that will be added to the request.Yes
Header valueThe value of the header.Yes