Get Conversations

Retrieve a list of conversations that matches the given filter settings.


The API uses rate limiting to prevent (accidental) abuse and to safeguard the resources the API accesses. The time limit is set to one request every 5 minutes for each unique request. This uniqueness of a request is determined by the voiceAccountGuid, from, to, skip and take values.

The API will respond with a 429 "Too Many Requests" when the same request is sent within 5 minutes.
The header "Retry-After" is added to the response indicating the amount of time (in seconds) left.

Important notes

  • The data returned by the API contains only successful calls.
  • All timestamps are in UTC. Please take this into consideration when requesting data.
  • Additional fields in the response message may be added in future versions. Please take this into consideration when implementing this API.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!