
Each of the Voice API applications allow you to pass a callback URL to the request. When the placed call is completed, the Voice API will send a POST message to the URL you provided. On this page you can find the content of these callback messages for each of our Voice API applications.

Result codes

When you receive a result on a callback url, you will find a part of the message contains the result of the call.

The result is a piece of JSON code, containing a code and a description.

Variable definition

VariableData typeLengthRequiredDescription
codeNumeric2YesThe code of the result
descriptionAlphanumeric128YesThe description of the result
sip-disconnect-codeAlphanumeric3NoThe SIP disconnect code which determines how the call ended.
sip-disconnect-reasonAlphanumeric64NoThe (textual) description of the SIP disconnect code.

Possible results

9CancelledThe call was not answered and was cancelled after a timeout hit (60 seconds)
10Finished successfullyThe call was placed and answered before ending.
11FailedThe call could not be made.
12Call rejectedThe callee actively refused the call, this could also mean the telecom provider owning the number did, so please check the validity of the number.


"result": {
    "code": 10,
    "description": "Finished successfully",
    "sip-disconnect-code": "BYE",
    "sip-disconnect-reason": ""


When the call is completed, the CM Server(s) will send a POST command to your server (at the supplied callback url), with a JSON body, with the following content:

Variable definition

VariableData typeLengthDescription
typeAlphanumeric32The type of the instruction. Always “dtmf-finished” for an event that returns the dtmf digits received as the result of a get-dtmf instruction.
call-idUUID / GUID36The 36 character (lowercase, including dashes) hexadecimal representation of the call identifier. This number is included in all requests.
instruction-idAlphanumeric64The instruction identifier as supplied with the instruction this event belongs to.
callerAlphanumeric25This is the phone number of the caller, if known, “anonymous” otherwise. Phone numbers are always in international format E.164.
calleeAlphanumeric25This is the phone number of the callee. Phone numbers are always in international format E.164.
resultobject--This is the result object which contains the status of the call and its description.
started-onDateTime24The moment when the call has been started.
answered-onDateTime24The moment when the call has been answered.
finished-onDateTime24The moment when the call has been finished.
digitsAlphanumeric64This is the DTMF data that was received, excluding the terminator symbol if it was used (usually #). Empty if no (correct) dtmf input was received from the caller.
duration-in-secondsNumeric--The call duration in seconds.

This is the time between the answer of the call and when the call was finished (e.g. hung up).


    "type": "dtmf-finished",
    "call-id": "6d0f176e-00ac-4de2-a04d-b3f7c895adb0",
    "instruction-id": "aeba8cae-eadd-4b49-9350-8061893b3d66",
    "callee": "+316xxxxxxxx",
    "caller": "+3176xxxxxxx",
    "result": {
        "code": 10,
        "description": "Finished",
        "sip-disconnect-code": "BYE",
        "sip-disconnect-reason": ""
    "started-on": "2018-02-09T11:00:31.752Z",
    "answered-on": "2018-02-09T11:00:37.972Z",
    "finished-on": "2018-02-09T11:00:48.112Z",
    "digits": "1234",
    "duration-in-seconds": 10


When the call is completed, the CM Server(s) will send a POST command to your server (at the supplied callback url), with a JSON body, with the following content:

Variable definition

VariableData typeLengthDescription
typeAlphanumeric32The type of the instruction. Always “flowbuilder-finished”.
call-idUUID / GUID36The 36 character (lowercase, including dashes) hexadecimal representation of the call identifier. This number is included in all requests.
instruction-idAlphanumeric64The instruction identifier as supplied with the instruction this event belongs to.
callerAlphanumeric25This is the phone number of the caller, if known, “anonymous” otherwise. Phone numbers are always in international format E.164.
calleeAlphanumeric25This is the phone number of the callee. Phone numbers are always in international format E.164.
resultobject--This is the result object which contains the status of the call and its description.
started-onDateTime24The moment when the call has been started.
answered-onDateTime24The moment when the call has been answered.
finished-onDateTime24The moment when the call has been finished.
voicemailBoolean--Determines whether the call has been answered with a voicemail or not.
duration-in-secondsNumeric--The call duration in seconds.

This is the time between the answer of the call and when the call was finished (e.g. hung up).


    "type": "flowbuilder-finished",
    "call-id": "6d0f176e-00ac-4de2-a04d-b3f7c895adb0",
    "instruction-id": "aeba8cae-eadd-4b49-9350-8061893b3d66",
    "caller": "003176xxxxxxx",
    "callee": "00316xxxxxxxx",
    "result": {
        "code": 10,
        "description": "Finished",
        "sip-disconnect-code": "BYE",
        "sip-disconnect-reason": ""
    "started-on": "2018-02-09T11:00:31.752Z",
    "answered-on": "2018-02-09T11:00:37.972Z",
    "finished-on": "2018-02-09T11:00:48.112Z",
    "voicemail": false,
    "duration-in-seconds": 10


When the call is completed, the CM Server(s) will send a POST command to your server (at the supplied callback url), with a JSON body, with the following content:

Variable definition

VariableData typeLengthDescription
typeAlphanumeric32The type of the instruction. Always “notification-finished” when a Text-to-speech or a Audio message has been sent.
call-idUUID / GUID36The 36 character (lowercase, including dashes) hexadecimal representation of the call identifier. This number is included in all requests.
instruction-idAlphanumeric64The instruction identifier as supplied with the instruction this event belongs to.
callerAlphanumeric25This is the phone number of the caller, if known, “anonymous” otherwise. Phone numbers are always in international format E.164.
calleeAlphanumeric25This is the phone number of the callee. Phone numbers are always in international format E.164.
resultobject--This is the result object which contains the status of the call and its description.
started-onDateTime24The moment when the call has been started.
answered-onDateTime24The moment when the call has been answered.
finished-onDateTime24The moment when the call has been finished.
voicemailBoolean--Determines whether the call has been answered with a voicemail or not.
duration-in-secondsNumeric--The call duration in seconds.

This is the time between the answer of the call and when the call was finished (e.g. hung up).


    "type": "notification-finished",
    "call-id": "6d0f176e-00ac-4de2-a04d-b3f7c895adb0",
    "instruction-id": "aeba8cae-eadd-4b49-9350-8061893b3d66",
    "caller": "003176xxxxxxx",
    "callee": "00316xxxxxxxx",
    "result": {
        "code": 10,
        "description": "Finished",
        "sip-disconnect-code": "BYE",
        "sip-disconnect-reason": ""
    "started-on": "2018-02-09T11:00:31.752Z",
    "answered-on": "2018-02-09T11:00:37.972Z",
    "finished-on": "2018-02-09T11:00:48.112Z",
    "voicemail": false,
    "duration-in-seconds": 10

One Time Password (OTP)

When the call is completed, the CM Server(s) will send a POST command to your server (at the supplied callback url), with a JSON body, with the following content:

Variable definition

VariableData typeLengthDescription
typeAlphanumeric32The type of the instruction. Always “otp-finished” when a OTP message has been sent.
call-idUUID / GUID36The 36 character (lowercase, including dashes) hexadecimal representation of the call identifier. This number is included in all requests.
instruction-idAlphanumeric64The instruction identifier as supplied with the instruction this event belongs to.
callerAlphanumeric25This is the phone number of the caller, if known, “anonymous” otherwise. Phone numbers are always in international format E.164.
calleeAlphanumeric25This is the phone number of the callee. Phone numbers are always in international format E.164.
resultobject--This is the result object which contains the status of the call and its description.
started-onDateTime24The moment when the call has been started.
answered-onDateTime24The moment when the call has been answered.
finished-onDateTime24The moment when the call has been finished.
duration-in-secondsNumeric--The call duration in seconds.

This is the time between the answer of the call and when the call was finished (e.g. hung up).


    "type": "otp-finished",
    "call-id": "6d0f176e-00ac-4de2-a04d-b3f7c895adb0",
    "instruction-id": "aeba8cae-eadd-4b49-9350-8061893b3d66",
    "callee": "+316xxxxxxxx",
    "caller": "+3176xxxxxxx",
    "result": {
        "code": 10,
        "description": "Finished",
        "sip-disconnect-code": "BYE",
        "sip-disconnect-reason": ""
    "started-on": "2018-02-09T11:00:31.752Z",
    "answered-on": "2018-02-09T11:00:37.972Z",
    "finished-on": "2018-02-09T11:00:48.112Z",
    "duration-in-seconds": 10