Show Customer
The ShowCustomer feature is made for use in brick stores in combination with a POS system. When the customer card is scanned, the POS system will send a POST to Agent Inbox which will open a conversation.
Show customer
Response codes
Code | Description |
201 | Created |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Invalid authorisation data |
Request body
"user_email_address": "",
"customer": {
"email_address": "",
"phone_number": "+31612345678",
"external_identifier": "customer_1234"
Request schema
Name | Type | Required | Description |
user_email_address | String | No | Email address of the Agent Inbox agent that will receive the notification |
customer | Object | Yes | Customer to search. Contains an email address and a phone number. At least one of them must be provided |
email_address | String | No | Email address of the customer to lookup |
phone_number | String | No | Phone number of the customer to look up. |
external_identifier | String | No | ... |
Updated 7 months ago