Within a Agent Inbox (formerly ROBIN) subscription, there are two ways to treat a conversation: instant (meaning 'live' or 'real-time') and non-instant (a custom SLA of anywhere between 1 minute and e.g. a couple of days). In order to answer conversations in real-time you need to offer real-time availability. We call this 'presence'. With this end-point you can check presence for a specific channel within' your Agent Inbox subscription. When you define a referrer, you can then also check presence for a specific web store.
Presence Check
Name | Required | Description |
apikey | Yes | The apikey of your subscription |
Channel | Yes | The name of the channel (Email, Chat, WhatsApp, SMS, WebChat, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Apple Business Chat, Twitter, Google Business Messages and RCS) |
referrer | No | The referrer that are configured within a web store (URLs, e-mail addresses phonenumbers, bot variables) |
Response codes
Code | Description |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad Request |
404 | Not Found |
Response body
Online or Offline
Response schema
Name | Description |
Online | At least one agent connected to the requested channel within the web store has an online status |
Offline | All agents connected to the requested channel within the web store have an offline status |
Updated 2 months ago