
Within a Agent Inbox (formerly ROBIN) subscription, there are two ways to treat a conversation: instant (meaning 'live' or 'real-time') and non-instant (a custom SLA of anywhere between 1 minute and e.g. a couple of days). In order to answer conversations in real-time you need to offer real-time availability. We call this 'presence'. With this end-point you can check presence for a specific channel within' your Agent Inbox subscription. When you define a referrer, you can then also check presence for a specific web store.

Presence Check



apikeyYesThe apikey of your subscription
ChannelYesThe name of the channel (Email, Chat, WhatsApp, SMS, WebChat, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Apple Business Chat, Twitter, Google Business Messages and RCS)
referrerNoThe referrer that are configured within a web store (URLs, e-mail addresses phonenumbers, bot variables)

Response codes

400Bad Request
404Not Found

Response body

Online or Offline

Response schema

OnlineAt least one agent connected to the requested channel within the web store has an online status
OfflineAll agents connected to the requested channel within the web store have an offline status