The “Search” endpoint shows results of the search expression so that the Agent Inbox agent can see all known orders, customers and conversations relating to the search keyword.



$ExpressionYesThe search expression filled in the Agent Inbox Search field by the agent

Response body

            "email_address": "[email protected]",
            "name": "Fullname",
            "phone_number": "+31612345678",
            "order_count": "1",
            "total_spent": "€123,45"
            "email_address": "[email protected]",
            "order_number": "CM1234",
            "order_date": "2021-01-12T12:34:56Z",
            "revenue": "€12,34",
            "name": "Fullname"

Response body with no results

If there is no customer or an order for the expression, make sure you response with the an empty array for customers and/or orders.


Response schema

customersArrayYesCustomer specific contact details
email_addressStringYesE-mail of the customer which resembles the search expression
nameStringYesName of the customer
phone_numberStringYesPhone number of the customer
order_countStringYesTotal amount of orders the customer has
total_spentStringYesTotal amount of money the customer has spent
ordersArrayYesArray which contains order details that resembles the search expression
email_addressStringYesThe email address of the customer who filled in the order
order_numberStringYesNumber from the order
order_dateStringYesDate of the order
revenueStringYesTotal amount of money that the order resembles
nameStringYesName of the customer that has filled in the order