Payments summary
You can use this call to retrieve a summary of the payments made with an iDEAL QR transaction.
Get an access_token
and use it as 'Bearer' token in your request. Find more details here.
Optional Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Constraints |
status | String | Indicate the status of the payments to be considered when creating the summary. | The available statuses are: [ OPEN, SUCCESS, FAILURE, CANCELLED, EXPIRED ] . |
"status": "SUCCESS",
"count": 2,
"amount": 1200
Parameter | Type | Description | Constraints |
array of summary items | Array of summaryItem objects | Indicates amount and number of payments grouped by transaction status. |
Response codes
HTTP status | Description |
200 | Transaction payments summary successfully retrieved. |
4XX | Client error response (See message for details). This response is given when the User input was incorrect or something illegal was attempted (eg. using a service without having that service configured for the user, or not being authorized). |
5XX | Server error response (See message for details). |
Updated 6 months ago