Status Transitions

This page explains the possible status transitions a transaction could go through and what they mean.

Bancontact transaction statuses

OPEN - Bancontact transaction has been created. This is the initial status.
SUCCESS - Bancontact transaction has been successfully paid.
CANCELLED - Bancontact transaction has not succeeded; cancelled by the consumer.
EXPIRED - Bancontact transaction has not succeeded; expired.
FAILURE - Bancontact transaction has not succeeded; unknown reason.

Status Transitions

The diagram below shows all state transitions a Bancontact transaction could go through.

Once a Bancontact transaction has been created the status will be OPEN. While the state of a Bancontact transaction is OPEN a consumer can try to start a payment with it (via the presented QR code, intent URL or by filling and submitting the card details).

Once a payment process is complete and the payment is successful, the transaction status will transition to SUCCESS. This is the happy-flow. At this point the consumer has paid and the funds will eventually make its way to your accounts.

Of course there are other possibilities as you will have seen in the state diagram.

It could transition to CANCELLED if the consumer did not complete the payment and instead clicked on the cancel button.

It could transition to EXPIRED if the expiresAt timestamp has been reached and the transaction is still OPEN.

It could transition to FAILURE if the payment failed.