Get Payment

You can use this call to retrieve the details of a specific payment made with an iDEAL QR transaction.


Get an access_token and use it as 'Bearer' token in your request. Find more details here.




  "payment": "433a3406-3460-4795-b7ed-b5b9ad1aa9bf",
  "transaction": "8db1e7fa-ba8a-4189-92fd-67a20217443d",
  "idealTransactionId": "1234567890123456",
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "createdAt": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z",
  "amount": 1200,
  "consumerName": "John",
  "consumerBic": "RABONL2U",
  "consumerIban": "NL24RABO8487376045",
  "refunds": {
    "refundedAmount": 300,
    "refundedPendingAmount": 100


paymentString(36)Payment unique identifier.
transactionString(36)Transaction unique identifier.
idealTransactionIdString(16)The 16-digit transaction ID within the iDEAL scheme as known by the issuing bank. The value can have leading zeros.
statusStringOPEN - Payment has been created. This is the initial status.
SUCCESS - Payment successfully paid.
CANCELLED - Payment has been cancelled by your customers.
EXPIRED - Payment has not succeeded; expired.
FAILURE - Payment has not succeeded; unknown reason.
createdAtString(RFC3339)Creation time.ISO 8601 date and time.

Optional parameters

amountInt(1...99999999)Integer representing the amount of the payment. Denomination in the smallest currency subunit (e.g. eurocents).
consumerNameStringName of the customer that completed the payment.Only present in successful payments.
consumerBicString(8...11)Bank Identification Code used by the customer to complete the payment.Only present in successful payments.
consumerIbanStringIBAN used by the customer to complete the payment.Only present in successful payments.
refundsrefund ObjectIndicates refundedAmount and refundedPendingAmount.

Response codes

HTTP statusDescription
200Transaction's payment details successfully retrieved.
4XXClient error response (See message for details). This response is given when the User input was incorrect or something illegal was attempted (eg. using a service without having that service configured for the user, or not being authorized).
5XXServer error response (See message for details).