WhatsApp Standard Errors
Read more about Incoming Status Reports if you would like to know more about receiving errors and other standard errors.
For WhatsApp we map the errors from META to match the known error codes and solutions described at the developer documentation on META.
CM.com ErrorCode | Short Description | META ErrorCode | Full Description |
51 | An unknown error has occurred | 1 | Please refer to the META developer documentation for more details. |
52 | Application does not have permissions for this action | 10 | Please refer to the META developer documentation for more details. |
53 | Invalid parameter | 100 | Please refer to the META developer documentation for more details. |
54 | Failed to send message because this user's phone number is part of an experiment | 130472 | Please refer to the META developer documentation for more details. |
55 | Something went wrong | 131000 | Please refer to the META developer documentation for more details. |
56 | Required parameter is missing | 131008 | Please refer to the META developer documentation for more details. |
57 | Parameter is not valid | 131009 | Please refer to the META developer documentation for more details. |
58 | You cannot send a message to yourself | 131021 | Please refer to the META developer documentation for more details. |
59 | Message undeliverable | 131026 | Please refer to the META developer documentation for more details. |
60 | Business account has been locked | 131031 | Please refer to the META developer documentation for more details. |
61 | Message failed to send because there were one or more errors related to your payment method | 131042 | Please refer to the META developer documentation for more details. |
62 | Message failed to send because more than 24 hours have passed since the customer last replied to this number | 131047 | Please refer to the META developer documentation for more details. |
63 | Spam Rate limit hit | 131048 | Please refer to the META developer documentation for more details. |
64 | Media upload error | 131053 | Please refer to the META developer documentation for more details. |
65 | (Business Account, Consumer Account) pair rate limit hit | 131056 | Please refer to the META developer documentation for more details. |
66 | Number of parameters does not match the expected number of params | 132000 | Please refer to the META developer documentation for more details. |
67 | Template name does not exist in the translation | 132001 | Please refer to the META developer documentation for more details. |
68 | Translated text too long | 132005 | Please refer to the META developer documentation for more details. |
69 | Parameter format does not match format in the created template | 132012 | Please refer to the META developer documentation for more details. |
73 | This message was not delivered due to the marketing rate limit policy of Meta | 131049 | Please refer to the META developer documentation for more details. |
74 | Unable to deliver the message. This recipient has chosen to stop receiving marketing messages on WhatsApp from your business. | 131050 | Please refer to the META developer documentation for more details. |
Updated 1 day ago
What’s Next
More on how to receive status reports for WhatsApp and what responses and errors we return.