Push uses a GUID/UUID identifier for a sender and recipient. So-called "Installation " for the sender and "AppKey" for the recipient without hyphens of the event.

Events are only supported if your app at least makes use of CMPush SDK v2.

Client installed

This event occurs when a user has registered within your app and is now capable of receiving push messages via installation id.

If you want to reach the user via phone number, you'll need to wait for a 'ClientUpdated' event where the user can potentially register a verified phone number.

Profile data

The following profile data is included in the event as custom data:

clientIdIdentifier of installed clientIdentifier of your mobile app
clientVersionVersion of installed clientVersion number of your mobile app
msisdnVerified phone number registered by the end-userCan only be potentially filled for a "ClientUpdated" event
deviceOsPlatform of the deviceEither "Android", "iOs" or "iPadOS"
deviceOsVersionOS version of device platform
deviceModelName of device model used by the end-user
pushAuthorizationPush authorization chosen by the userEither "Authorized", "NotAuthorized" or "Provisional"
preferredLanguagesArray of preferred languages of the user that are configured on their device

Example Client installed event

	"from": {
		"number": "<INSTALLATION_ID>"
	"to": {
		"number": "<APP_KEY>"
	"event": {
		"type": "ClientInstalled",
		"custom": {
			"clientId": "com.cm.notifire",
			"clientVersion": "3.0.0",
			"msisdn": null,
			"deviceOs": "Android",
			"deviceOsVersion": "12",
			"deviceModel": "SM-A515F",
			"pushAuthorization": "Authorized",
			"preferredLanguages": [
	"timeUtc": "2022-06-01T17:08:45",
	"channel": "MobilePush"

Client updated

This event occurs when a user has updated settings within your app such as registering a verified phone number or updating the app version.

Profile data

The included profile data in the "ClientUpdated" event matches with the profile data from the "ClientInstalled" event.

Example Client updated event

	"from": {
		"number": "<INSTALLATION_ID>"
	"to": {
		"number": "<APP_KEY>"
	"event": {
		"type": "ClientUpdated",
		"custom": {
			"clientId": "com.cm.notifire",
			"clientVersion": "3.0.0",
			"msisdn": "0031612345678",
			"deviceOs": "Android",
			"deviceOsVersion": "12",
			"deviceModel": "SM-A515F",
			"pushAuthorization": "Authorized",
			"preferredLanguages": [
	"timeUtc": "2022-06-01T17:08:45",
	"channel": "MobilePush"

Client unregistered

This event occurs when a user has either unregistered within your app or deleted your app.
The user won't be capable of receiving push messages anymore.

Profile data

The included profile data in the "ClientUnregistered" event only contains identifier properties.

clientIdIdentifier of installed clientIdentifier of your mobile app
msisdnVerified phone number registered by the end-userCan be empty if the user didn't register

Example Client unregistered event

	"from": {
		"number": "<INSTALLATION_ID>"
	"to": {
		"number": "<APP_KEY>"
	"event": {
		"type": "ClientUnregistered",
		"custom": {
			"clientId": "com.cm.notifire",
			"msisdn": "0031612345678"
	"timeUtc": "2022-06-01T17:08:45",
	"channel": "MobilePush"

Message dismissed

This event occurs when a message is dismissed by the end-user in the notification center on their mobile device.

This doesn't guarantee the user has actually read the message as the user can just dismiss notifications without ever reading them.

Example MessageDismissed event

    "from": {
        "number": "<INSTALLATION_ID>"
    "to": {
        "number": "<APP_KEY>"
    "event": {
        "type": "MessageDismissed",
        "reference": "5dbc0313-9031-4f4f-8dc8-5ab712b20722"
    "timeUtc": "2022-06-15T17:08:45",
    "channel": "MobilePush"

Message opened

This event occurs when a message is tapped by the end-user in the notification center on their mobile device and will be opened in your mobile app.

Example MessageOpened event

    "from": {
        "number": "<INSTALLATION_ID>"
    "to": {
        "number": "<APP_KEY>"
    "event": {
        "type": "MessageOpened",
        "reference": "5dbc0313-9031-4f4f-8dc8-5ab712b20722"
    "timeUtc": "2022-06-15T17:08:45",
    "channel": "MobilePush"

Message deleted

This event occurs when a message is deleted by the end-user in your mobile app.

Example MessageDelete event

    "from": {
        "number": "<INSTALLATION_ID>"
    "to": {
        "number": "<APP_KEY>"
    "event": {
        "type": "MessageDelete",
        "reference": "5dbc0313-9031-4f4f-8dc8-5ab712b20722"
    "timeUtc": "2022-06-15T17:08:45",
    "channel": "MobilePush"