For early access clients only
The main difference to other channels is the fact that Telegram uses numeric identifier for a sender and recipient. So called "Chat ID" for the sender and a "Bot ID" for the recipient of the MO message.
Telegram supports receiving text messages and receiving media messages.
Message Example
"reference": "my-reference",
"messageContext": "",
"from": {
"number": "87654321",
"name": "John Doe"
"to": {
"number": "bot12345"
"message": {
"text": "Hi",
"media": {
"mediaUri": "",
"contentType": "",
"title": ""
"custom": {}
"groupings": ["", "", ""],
"time": "2021-05-27 15:47:52",
"timeUtc": "2021-05-27T13:47:52",
"channel": "Telegram Messenger"
Updated about 2 years ago