Responses & Errors - XML

When sending a request with an invalid part to the XML gateway, NO MESSAGES are created and the entire request is rejected. You will receive a plain text response with details why the request was rejected.

Example response of a failed XML request:

Status: 200 OK

Error: ERROR No account found for the given authentication

XML POST responses

HTTP statusError textRemarks
400(none)No HTTP GET or POST was used to send your request
200Error: ERRORUnknown error An unexpected error occurred. Check the provided values. Contact CM for support.
200(empty)The request was accepted
200Error: ERROR No account found for the given authenticationNo account found for the provided product token.
200Error: ERROR Insufficient balance.Trial accounts only: You are out of trial messages. Order new messages via your dashboard. If you are a regular prepaid customer, you will be notified that you have run out of quota in a Status Report.
200Error: ERROR Message is unrouteable.Your request could not be routed. Contact CM for support.
200Error: ERROR Invalid product token.Invalid or missing product token
200Error: ERROR No FROM field found in a MSG node.The ‘FROM’ element is missing within the ‘MSG’ element
200Error: ERROR A MESSAGES node requires at least one MSG nodeA MSG node within the MESSAGE node is required and is missing.
200Error: ERROR No phone numbers found. Message will not be sent.The Phone Number value for the TO element is missing
200Error: ERROR Rejected: Gsm '' is not a number.The value for the TO element is not a valid Phone Number

See for a description of the standard errors.