Retrieve a listing of all the banks and their identifiers. The result is grouped by country. It is encouraged to cache this list, but you should refresh the list at least once a day. It may never be older than 7 days. You should not manipulate this list yourself.


  "merchant_token": "3c01abeb-b031-4fea-9f2d-c55c283cd78e"


merchant_tokena guid string that is unique and private to you as a merchant. Do not share this key, keep it safe. Example 3c01abeb-b031-4fea-9f2d-c55c283cd78e


    "country": "string",
    "issuers": [
        "issuer_id": "RABONL2U",
        "issuer_name": "Rabobank"


countryThe readable name of the country.
issuer_idAn identifier for the bank. Used as the value of the in bank selector dropdowns. The end user selects a value and iDIN will direct the end user to that bank, so that the user can identify himself. Has the pattern /[A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1}/
issuer_nameThe name of the issuing bank intended for display purposes. Used as the content of in the HTML dropdowns.

Response codes

HTTP statusDescription
200List of banks.
400Invalid request. See message for details.
403Authorization required.
500Server error. See message for details.
503Service unavailable. See message for details.

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