We also offer a sandbox environment where you can test all our endpoints with all the responses that may occur while using any of our Mobile Identity services.

The URL for the sandbox environment is https://api.cm.com/mobile-identity-sandbox/v1 followed by the service's endpoint. The authentication is the same as the regular services, for more information see Authentication.

To get started using the sandbox environment, request credentials through your account manager or support ([email protected]).

Identity Match

Below is the data that you can test matching a request to. For more information regarding Identity Match, and its endpoint, see Identity Match.

By combining the phone number, identity data, and a service type (match or score), you can either get true or false for service type match; or 100 or 0 for service type score depending on the data below.

+31610000001JorisVerhoeven1231234 AB1963-12-31
+31610000002AnnaJansen4565678 CD2019-03-01
+31610000003LarsDe Vries7899012 EF1995-07-15
+447710000001JamesSmith123AB12 3CD1980-09-28
+447710000002EmmaBrown456EF45 6GH2016-12-31
+447710000003OliverTaylor789IJ78 9KL1992-05-17


Request URL

POST https://api.cm.com/mobile-identity-sandbox/v1/identity-match

Request headers

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer GENERATED_TOKEN_HERE

Request body

  "phoneNumber": "+31610000001",
  "serviceType": "match",
  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Verhoeven",
  "address": "123",
  "postalCode": "1234 AB",
  "dateOfBirth": "1963-12-31"


  "state": "success",
  "firstNameMatch": false,
  "lastNameMatch": true,
  "nameMatch": false,
  "addressMatch": true,
  "postalCodeMatch": true,
  "dateOfBirthMatch": true

Takeover Protection (SIM Swap)

Depending on the phone number and service type you use from the options in the table below, you can get one of the responses below.

For more information regarding Takeover Protection, and its endpoint, see Takeover Protection (SIM Swap).

range{"gt": 1209600, "lt": -1}
(Today's date at 00:00:00)
range{"gt": 1, "lt": 604800}
range{"gt": 1209600, "lt": -1}


Request URL

POST https://api.cm.com/mobile-identity-sandbox/v1/sim-swap

Request headers

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer GENERATED_TOKEN_HERE

Request body

  "phoneNumber": "+31610000001",
  "serviceType": "timestamp"


  "state": "success",
  "timestamp": "2010-03-08T09:17:36+00:00"

Number Verify

You can test the expected number verify flow with the phone numbers in the table below.

Contrary to the regular Number Verify flow, the returned sessionUrl does not need to be opened on a mobile phone using mobile data.

For more information regarding Number Verify, and its endpoint, see Number Verify.

phoneNumberReturned MatchReturned State

Example request

Request URL

POST https://api.cm.com/mobile-identity-sandbox/v1/number-verify

Request headers

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer GENERATED_TOKEN_HERE

Request body

  "phoneNumber": "+31610000001",
  "callbackUrl": "https://mycallbackurl"


  "id": "52d66faa-3d14-4941-9155-41d981e7a620",
  "state": "pending",
  "match": null,
  "sessionUrl": "https://api.cm.com/mobile-identity-sandbox/v1/number-verify/52d66faa-3d14-4941-9155-41d981e7a620/sandbox-session?match=true"

Example callback

After opening the sessionUrl, a callback event will be dispatched to the provided callbackUrl with the following header and body:

Request headers

Authorization: HMAC 296ptE2trRxX0fFtdMB/vHt8UOb1BvZTv70UxAjspKQ=
Content-Type: application/json

Request body

  "id": "e0d3232b-47fc-4619-b91b-e71a5cf50561",
  "type": "numberVerify.state",
  "created": "2024-08-29T09:22:58+00:00",
  "numberVerify": {
    "id": "52d66faa-3d14-4941-9155-41d981e7a620",
    "state": "completed",
    "match": true

See Events for more information regarding the callback event.

Example status

Then a GET request can be made to retrieve the completed number verify transaction:

Request URL

GET https://api.cm.com/mobile-identity-sandbox/v1/number-verify/6f8d0a9d-b85c-4c3f-9e69-5699f1e00f49

Request headers

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer GENERATED_TOKEN_HERE


  "id": "52d66faa-3d14-4941-9155-41d981e7a620",
  "state": "completed",
  "match": true

Simulate Errors

Using the Mobile Identity Services involves using a phone number and its connection to its operator. As such, there are a few errors that may occur.

In the table below are some phone numbers that, regardless of the service used (Takeover Protection, Number Verify, Identity Match), will result in one of these errors.

More information regarding the error codes can be found here.

phoneNumberReturned Status CodeReturned Error MessageReturned Error Code
500Supplier error.1002
422Phone number is not active.3001
422Service not supported by operator.3000
500Transaction could not be started.1002


Request URL

POST https://api.cm.com/mobile-identity-sandbox/v1/sim-swap

Request headers

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer GENERATED_TOKEN_HERE

Request body

  "phoneNumber": "+31620000003",
  "serviceType": "timestamp"


  "status": 422,
  "message": "Service not supported by operator.",
  "code": 3000