Getting started

ID Scan is a service to perform online ID verifications. This documentation focuses on the API integration.

For a complete technical documentation with specifications for all field types, JSON objects and methods, you can consult our complete API reference: API reference

If you need technical assistance, please contact your account manager or support ([email protected]).

Service description


A transaction is a collection of information related to the ID verification process. It consists of tasks and settings.


A task is an action that needs to be performed by the end user.


The base URL for all API requests:



The steps for using the service are:


Before you can start using the API, you need API credentials. Credentials consist of a key ID and secret. Contact your account manager to get production credentials. Credentials should be kept secret.

In order to authenticate you need to use your credentials to generate a JWT Bearer token. The JWT token has to be generated using the HS256 algorithm and your credentials. This JWT has to contain the following attributes: iat, nbf, and exp in the payload, as well as the attribute kid in the header of the JWT. This kid attribute needs to contain the Key ID of your credentials.

The generated token needs to be passed via the HTTP Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer GENERATED_TOKEN_HERE

There are many libraries available for different programming languages that can help you to generate a JWT. See the Libraries tab on


Assuming we want to create a token that is valid for 60 seconds and we have received the following credentials:

Key ID: 3b438437-04a4-40bb-8389-54bb02766fba
Secret: AC4Etykn7jusGR5FwLDAtILtQbiQbTMKedP31szXg4WlSbjGEXyNMZ

We need to create a JWT with the following properties:

JWT header:

    "alg": "HS256",
    "typ": "JWT",
    "kid": "3b438437-04a4-40bb-8389-54bb02766fba"

JWT payload:

    "iat": 1546300800,
    "nbf": 1546300800,
    "exp": 1546300860
  • iat: the time when the token was generated.
  • nbf: the time after which the token is valid, usually equal to iat.
  • exp: the time when the token will expire.


Make sure these are UNIX timestamps in seconds

This results in the following token:


Add this token to the Authorization header in the API request.

Authorization: Bearer GENERATED_TOKEN_HERE

The website provides a way to inspect or validate JWT tokens.


The ID Scan UI can be customized to match your brand or website theme. Contact us to have this configured.

Primary colorThe accent color, for example used for buttons.
Background colorBackground color of the frame/page.
Text colorHeading and body text color.
FontHeading and body font family (must be web safe or a generic font family)

Error handling


When a 4xx or 5xx error occurs, you will receive a JSON response describing the error.


    "status": 400,
    "message": "Error message"

Document scan errors

The table below specifies each possible error response during a document scan task along with a description and reason it might occur.

Error in responseDescription
processingError occurred while processing the document
An (unexpected) problem occurred on the server.
unknown_type_frontFront side of document was not recognized
Image/scan quality was not sufficient for document recognition.
unknown_type_backBack side of document was not recognized
Image/scan quality was not sufficient for document recognition.
expiration_criteria_not_metDocument was expired
The document has been found to have expired according to the expiration date indicated on it, as per the set criteria. By default, this refers to the current date.
unable_to_determine_date_of_expiryUnable to determine expiry date on the document
While the image/scan quality was sufficient for document recognition, it was either still of poor quality or masked, resulting in this field being unreadable.
text_fields_analysis_failedDocument fields failed to be detected
While the image/scan quality was sufficient for document recognition, it was still of poor quality, resulting in all OCR fields being unreadable.
age_criteria_not_metTransaction aborted due to user's age
The user's age does not meet the criteria set for the transaction, as determined from the age field on the document.
unable_to_determine_ageUnable to determine age on the document
While the image/scan quality was sufficient for document recognition, it was either still of poor quality or masked, resulting in this field being unreadable.
field_validation_failedDocument data was invalid
The field from the document was found to be invalid (incorrect social security number formats or impossible values), suggesting the possibility of a fake or tampered document.
front_side_provided_back_side_requiredBack side of the document is required
The front side of the document has been provided, but the back side of the document is required.
back_side_provided_front_side_requiredFront side of the document is required
The back side of the document has been provided, but the front side of the document is required.


Not all document scan tasks are invoiced. To help clarify what exactly is invoiced during a document scan task, the table below specifies each possible error response during a document scan task and whether it will be invoiced.

Error in responseInvoiced

All executed face liveness and face match tasks are invoiced, regardless of the final state.

What’s Next