Verify code Suggest Edits🚧A new version of the OTP API is available. This version includes email and WhatsApp as channels. Please consider upgrading. A subscription is required for this version. Please contact your account manager or our sales team. Request POST HTTP headers HeaderDescriptionX-CM-ProductTokenYour product token. Retrieve from Messaging Gateway app.Content-Typeapplication/json Request body JSON{ "id": "1e12cb10-d14a-4cd6-8d86-e5263cf122ee", "code": "12345" } Parameters ParameterTypeDescriptionidstringCode identifier.codestringThe code received via SMS/Push or Voice. Response JSON{ "valid": true } 📘Once a code has been successfully validated, it cannot be validated again. Parameters ParameterDescriptionvalidIndicates if the code was valid. Response codes HTTP statusDescription200Successful request.400Invalid request, see message in the response.500Unknown error occurred.Updated 9 days ago Table of Contents Request HTTP headers Request body Parameters Response Parameters Response codes