Verify code Suggest Edits🚧A new version of the OTP API is available. This version includes email and WhatsApp as channels. Please consider upgrading. A subscription is required for this version. Please contact your account manager or our sales team. Request POST HTTP headers HeaderDescriptionX-CM-ProductTokenYour product token. Retrieve from Messaging Gateway app.Content-Typeapplication/json Request body JSON{ "id": "1e12cb10-d14a-4cd6-8d86-e5263cf122ee", "code": "12345" } Parameters ParameterTypeDescriptionidstringCode identifier.codestringThe code received via SMS/Push or Voice. Response JSON{ "valid": true } 📘Once a code has been successfully validated, it cannot be validated again. Parameters ParameterDescriptionvalidIndicates if the code was valid. Response codes HTTP statusDescription200Successful request.400Invalid request, see message in the response.500Unknown error occurred.Updated almost 2 years ago Table of Contents Request HTTP headers Request body Parameters Response Parameters Response codes