The new reporting is async, meaning that the Seated API will no longer return the report data as a response but will simply reply with a 200 OK. In the Seated dashboard we will inform our user when their report is ready to be downloaded using notifications. It is now also possible to provide a callbackUrl to the call. The Seated API will send the CSV file download url to this callbackUrl when the report has been generated.

Base url:


All endpoint are authenticated via the X-CM-PRODUCTTOKEN header. The actual token can be requested via the Seated Ticketing team.

Available reporting endpoints

We’re constantly adding new reports to our new reporting module. For now we have the following reports available:


All routes are using the POST method

Report nameDescriptionEndpointAvailable filters
Inventory ControlExplore all the necessary data about your inventory. This helps optimising your inventory, avoiding overbooking or shortages, and ultimately improving the overall efficiency of your event operations./v2.0/reporting/inventory-controleventUuids
PaymentsEasily access all payment information to analyse transaction trends, identify revenue sources, and match your financial records. This helps monitoring your event's financial health, identify popular payment methods, and streamline your financial reporting processes./v2.0/reporting/paymentsweekNumberId
Custom reportsThis endpoint can be used to retrieve your existing custom reports using the new reporting module style./v2.0/reporting/custom/{custom-report-uuid}None


When using filters you must first provide the reporting[filters]: true query param. The actual filters need to be provided as reporting[filters][FILTER_NAME]: FILTER_VALUE


When the filter name is plural, you can safely assume the FILTER_VALUE accepts a comma separated value


You can request the payments filter for multiple paymentMethods by using the following endpoint:,BANCONTACT

Using the callback functionality

Request (You → Seated API)

Using the callback functionality is as simple as providing the following JSON body to the request:

The callbackURL must be an https url. Unsafe http is not supported.

    "callbackUrl": "{ YOUR CALLBACK URL }"  

Response (Seated API → Callback URL)

When providing the callbackUrl body param, the Seated API will do a POST call with the following body to the provided callbackUrl when the report has finished generating:

    "report_download_url" : "<{{RESOURCE_UUID}}}/content">  


The provided resource will be in CSV format

It’s now up to you to download this CSV and use the data as needed. Or for example, automatically load the data from this CSV in Power Bi.