TwoWay format

TwoWay format, a JSON schema specification, is designed to be used for both sending and receiving messages. It consists of four possible properties:

  • chat
  • conversationMessages
  • conversationEvents
  • targetAdaptersInfo (only on receiving messages, added automatically)

Below is described what the contents of each of these properties should be.

When calling our APIs we require an authentication token to be present. Please refer to our authentication page for details.



This property contains generic data about the chat as a whole, e.g. how can it be identified and who has a place in it.

idA hash created from the combination of client id, host id and channelYes
sessionIdThe id for the current sessionNo
accountIdThe id of the CONVERSATIONAL technical linkYes
channelThe medium being used for communication, e.g. WhatsApp or CXWebConversationsYes
conversationClientIdThe client id from which messages are sentYes
conversationHostIdThe host id to which messages are sentYes
conversationClientNameThe display name of the client on the channelNo


A list of messages. TwoWay supports different types of messages which all require a different payload. Following properties are the generic ones that are applicable to all types.

$typeThe type of the message, see Message typesYes
idThe id of the messageNo
directionThe direction of the message, ClientOriginated is used for MO messages while ClientTerminated is used for MTYes
createdOnThe timestamp (UTC) at which the message was created within the Conversational RouterNo


A list of events. TwoWay supports different types of events, some of which require a specific payload. Following properties are the generic ones that are applicable to all types:

$typeThe type of the message, see Event typesYes
idThe id of the eventNo
createdOnThe timestamp (UTC) at which the event was created within the Conversational RouterNo


A list of target adapters to which the conversationMessages were sent. This list is based on the state of the ruleset at the moment of sending. It is added automatically by the Conversational Router.

adapterIdThe id of the target adapter
adapterTypeThe type of the target adapter

Message types

Here we describe the supported message types. For each one an example is given and after that a definition of the required properties. These are in addition to the generic properties defined here.


    "chat": {
        "id": "47e755ad-69a2-4139-a610-c53d0c8deb4b",
        "sessionId": "20210126185202",
        "accountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "channel": "WhatsApp",
        "conversationClientId": "+316012345678",
        "conversationHostId": "00316012345678",
        "conversationClientName": null
    "conversationMessages": [
            "$type": "text",
            "text": "Hi",
            "id": "28c477f4-4ffd-43c2-8149-52273ec83465",
            "direction": "ClientOriginated",
            "createdOn": "2021-07-12T06:59:59.2158043+00:00"
textThe textYes


    "chat": {
        "id": "47e755ad-69a2-4139-a610-c53d0c8deb4b",
        "sessionId": "20210126185202",
        "accountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "channel": "WhatsApp",
        "conversationClientId": "+316012345678",
        "conversationHostId": "00316012345678",
        "conversationClientName": null
    "conversationMessages": [
            "$type": "media",
            "media": {
                "name": "Image name",
                "uri": "",
                "mimeType": "image/jpeg"
            "id": "f200b2f3-cd4e-404f-b7af-d36a3a010efc",
            "direction": "ClientOriginated",
            "createdOn": "2021-07-12T06:59:59.2158043+00:00"
mediaAn object describing the mediaYes


    "chat": {
        "id": "47e755ad-69a2-4139-a610-c53d0c8deb4b",
        "sessionId": "20210126185202",
        "accountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "channel": "WhatsApp",
        "conversationClientId": "+316012345678",
        "conversationHostId": "00316012345678",
        "conversationClientName": null
    "conversationMessages": [
            "$type": "location",
            "location": {
                "latitude": 51.6035675548752,
                "longitude": 4.77079096460324,
                "label": "",
                "searchQuery": "Konijnenberg 30, Breda, Noord-Brabant 4825 BD"
            "id": "a021106e-6414-4187-85c6-65b1ecc7c332",
            "direction": "ClientOriginated",
            "createdOn": "2021-07-12T06:59:59.2158043+00:00"
locationAn object describing the locationYes


    "chat": {
        "id": "47e755ad-69a2-4139-a610-c53d0c8deb4b",
        "sessionId": "20210126185202",
        "accountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "channel": "WhatsApp",
        "conversationClientId": "+316012345678",
        "conversationHostId": "00316012345678",
        "conversationClientName": null
    "conversationMessages": [
            "$type": "contact",
            "contacts": [
                    "contactAddresses": [
                            "city": "Breda",
                            "country": "Netherlands",
                            "countryCode": "NL",
                            "state": null,
                            "street": "Konijnenberg 30",
                            "type": "WORK",
                            "zipCode": "4825 BD"
                    "birthday": null,
                    "emailAddresses": [],
                    "name": {
                        "firstName": null,
                        "lastName": "Your last name",
                        "middleName": null,
                        "namePrefix": null,
                        "nameSuffix": null,
                        "formattedName": "CM Developer"
                    "organization": null,
                    "phoneNumbers": [],
                    "urls": []
            "id": "a021106e-6414-4187-85c6-65b1ecc7c332",
            "direction": "ClientOriginated",
            "createdOn": "2021-07-12T06:59:59.2158043+00:00"
contactsAn object describing the different contacts to sendYes
contactAddressesA list of contact addresses related to the contactNo
birthdayBirthday of the contactNo
emailAddresseslist of email addresses related to the contactNo
nameName information of the contact, formattedName being requiredPartly
organizationThe organization the contact is affiliated withNo
phoneNumbersPhone numbers related to the contactNo
urlsRelevant URLsNo

Apple Pay

    "chat": {
        "id": "47e755ad-69a2-4139-a610-c53d0c8deb4b",
        "sessionId": "20210126185202",
        "accountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "channel": "WhatsApp",
        "conversationClientId": "+316012345678",
        "conversationHostId": "00316012345678",
        "conversationClientName": null
	"conversationMessages": [{
		"$type": "applePay",
		"merchantName": "Merchant",
		"description": "Test payment",
		"orderReference": "733182a9-9ee3-40e9-81dc-12680df7555c",
		"recipientEmail": "[email protected]",
		"currencyCode": "eur",
		"recipientCountryCode": "nl",
		"languageCountryCode": null,
		"billingAddressRequired": true,
		"shippingContactRequired": false,
		"lineItems": [{
			"label": "My product",
			"type": "My type",
			"amount": 1.10
		"id": "6e131344-2a6d-487f-b9d2-020cdd7adb81",
		"direction": "ClientOriginated",
        "createdOn": "2021-07-12T06:59:59.2158043+00:00"
merchantNameThe merchant nameYes
descriptionA description of the product or service being purchasedYes
orderReferenceA reference for the product or service being purchasedYes
recipientEmailThe recipient's email addressYes
currencyCode3 character currency code according to ISO 4217Yes
recipientCountryCode2 character country code according to ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2No
languageCountryCode2 character country code according to ISO 639-1 CodeNo
billingAddressRequiredWhether the billing address is required for this product or serviceYes
shippingContactRequiredWhether shipping contact is required for this product or serviceYes
lineItemsA list of objects describing the line itemsYes


	"chat": {
		"id": "47e755ad-69a2-4139-a610-c53d0c8deb4b",
		"sessionId": "20210126185202",
		"accountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
		"channel": "WhatsApp",
		"conversationClientId": "+316012345678",
		"conversationHostId": "00316012345678",
		"conversationClientName": null
	"conversationMessages": [{
		"$type": "listPicker",
		"header": "My title",
		"body": "Select an option",
        "buttonTitle": "Options",
        "footer": "My footer",
		"mediaUri": "",
		"buttons": [
                "id": "1",
                "title": "list option 1"
                "id": "2",
                "title": "list option 2"
		"id": "f3aeed9c-f8a2-4861-8827-dd7659675a7f",
		"direction": "ClientOriginated",
        "createdOn": "2021-07-12T06:59:59.2158043+00:00"
headerApple Business Chat: title, max of 40 characters
WhatsApp: header
bodyApple Business Chat: subtitle, max of 40 characters
WhatsApp: body
buttonTitleApple Business Chat: -
WhatsApp: button title
footerApple Business Chat: -
WhatsApp: footer
WA: Yes
mediaUriThe media URIABC: Yes
WA: No
buttonsA list of button definitions, maximum for WhatsApp of 10 buttons)Yes
buttons.idApple Business Chat: media URI
WhatsApp: id, max of 200 characters)
buttons.titleButton title; WhatsApp: max of 24 charactersYes

Reply buttons

	"chat": {
		"id": "47e755ad-69a2-4139-a610-c53d0c8deb4b",
		"sessionId": "20210126185202",
		"accountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
		"channel": "WhatsApp",
		"conversationClientId": "+316012345678",
		"conversationHostId": "00316012345678",
		"conversationClientName": null
	"conversationMessages": [{
		"$type": "replyButtons",
		"header": "My title",
		"body": "Select an option",
        "footer": "My footer",
		"buttons": [
                "id": "1",
                "title": "option 1"
                "id": "2",
                "title": "option 2"
		"id": "f3aeed9c-f8a2-4861-8827-dd7659675a7f",
		"direction": "ClientOriginated",
        "createdOn": "2021-07-12T06:59:59.2158043+00:00"
headerThe header for the reply buttons, max of 20 charactersNo
bodyThe body for the reply button, max of 1024 charactersYes
footerThe footer for the reply button, max of 60 charactersNo
buttonsA list of button definitions, max of 3 buttonsYes
buttons.idButton id; WhatsApp: max of 256 charactersYes
buttons.titleButton title, max of 20 charactersYes

Text with URL

    "chat": {
        "id": "47e755ad-69a2-4139-a610-c53d0c8deb4b",
        "sessionId": "20210126185202",
        "accountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "channel": "WhatsApp",
        "conversationClientId": "+316012345678",
        "conversationHostId": "00316012345678",
        "conversationClientName": null
	"conversationMessages": [{
		"$type": "textWithUrl",
		"text": "Example",
		"url": {
			"uri": "",
			"label": "test"
		"media": {
			"name": "test",
			"uri": "",
			"mimeType": "image/jpg"
		"id": "b5184cf0-39a7-4242-94df-c927b6073535",
		"direction": "ClientOriginated",
        "createdOn": "2021-07-12T06:59:59.2158043+00:00"
urlAn object describing the URLYes
mediaAn object describing the mediaYes


    "chat": {
        "id": "47e755ad-69a2-4139-a610-c53d0c8deb4b",
        "sessionId": "20210126185202",
        "accountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "channel": "Instagram",
        "conversationClientId": "+316012345678",
        "conversationHostId": "00316012345678",
        "conversationClientName": "Bob"
    "conversationMessages": [{
        "$type": "storyReply",
        "text": "That's a great looking apple pie!",
        "url": "https://some_url",
        "reference": "some_reference",
        "id": "b5184cf0-39a7-4242-94df-c927b6073535",
        "direction": "ClientOriginated",
        "createdOn": "2022-06-24T06:59:59.2158043+00:00"
textThe message sent as a reply to the storyYes
urlThe link to the story being replied toYes
referenceAn id of the story being replied toYes


Passes through the message without any processing done on it.

    "chat": {
        "id": "47e755ad-69a2-4139-a610-c53d0c8deb4b",
        "sessionId": "20210126185202",
        "accountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "channel": "WhatsApp",
        "conversationClientId": "+316012345678",
        "conversationHostId": "00316012345678",
        "conversationClientName": null
    "conversationMessages": [
            "$type": "passthrough",
            "PassthroughMessageType": "WATemplate",
            "JsonContent" : {}
PassthroughMessageTypeType of the passthrough message, currently only WATemplateYes
JsonContentThe JSON content as belonging to the typeYes

Event types

Here we describe the supported events. For each one an example is given followed by a definition of the required properties. These are in addition to the generic properties defined here.

Router events

These events are specific to the router and can't be sent towards TwoWay. Expect to receive (some of) these on the endpoint you've configured in the TwoWay adapter in the router.


Notifies you of the fact that the router session has been reset for a certain chat

    "chat": {
        "id": "some_chat_id_guid",
        "sessionId": "some_session_id",
        "accountId": "some_account_id_guid",
        "channel": "WhatsApp",
        "conversationClientId": "+316012345678",
        "conversationHostId": "00316012345678",
        "conversationClientName": null
    "conversationEvents": [
            "$type": "routerSessionEnded",
            "Reason": "reason",
            "Context" : {}
ReasonReason for the session terminationYes
ContextDictionary containing extra information passed along with the terminationNo

Exernal events

These are events external parties can use to communicate intent with each other. They are not router specific and can be sent towards TwoWay.


Signifies the client has left the conversation. This can also be considered an inactive state

    "chat": {
        "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "accountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "channel": "WhatsApp",
        "conversationClientId": "+316012345678",
        "conversationHostId": "00316012345678"
    "conversationEvents": [
            "$type": "clientLeft"


Signifies the client rejoined the conversation.

    "chat": {
        "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "accountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "channel": "WhatsApp",
        "conversationClientId": "+316012345678",
        "conversationHostId": "00316012345678"
    "conversationEvents": [
            "$type": "clientRejoined"


Signifies an agent assigned to the conversation.

      "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "accountId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "channel": "WhatsApp",
      "conversationClientId": "+316012345678",
      "conversationHostId": "00316012345678"
         "$type": "agentAssigned",
            "firstName": "Geertruida",
            "lastName": "Flodder",
            "alias": "Mevrouw Flodder",
            "avatarUrl": "https://..."