Create, list and query order details.

Create Order

Create a new order to be paid by a shopper.

POST /ps/api/public/v1/merchants/{merchant_key}/orders
POST /ps/api/public/v1/merchants/{merchant_key}/subscriptions/{subscription_reference}/orders


merchant_keyMerchantKeyThe key of the merchant.
subscription_referenceString(1, 255)The subscription reference from the merchant.


Not applicable.


order_referenceString(1, 255)MThe order reference from the merchant.
descriptionString(1, 255)MA description of the order that can be shown to the shopper.
amountAmountMThe order amount in minor units, e.g. in cents.
currencyCurrencyMThe order currency as ISO 4217 Alpha 3, e.g. "EUR".
emailString(1, 200)OThe email address of the shopper. Mandatory if billing_address_key is not provided, ignored otherwise.
languageLanguageMThe language of the shopper as ISO 639-1 Alpha 2. Used for the menu and emails.
countryCountryCThe shopper country as ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2. Needed to control the availability of payment methods in the menu. Some payment methods are only available for specific countries. Mandatory if billing_address_key is not provided, ignored otherwise.
profileString(1, 50)OThe profile with payment methods (among other setting) to be used for this order. If not specified all available (and applicable) payment methods for the merchant are used.
billing_address_keyAddressKeyOThe address key, as returned by the 'create shopper'-request, of the shopper for the billing address.
expiryBlockOSpecifies when the order expires.
+ expire_afterBlockMSpecifies when the order expires.
+ + unitEnum(16)MThe unit of the duration. Valid values are 'MINUTES', 'HOURS', or 'DAYS'.
+ + durationNumber(1, 30240)MThe duration after which the order expires. The value is added to the create timestamp, after converting it to minutes.
return_urlsBlockOContains the return urls for the shopper.
+ successUrlOThe url the shoppers returns to when the order is successfully authorizes.
+ pendingUrlOThe url the shoppers returns to when the result of the authorization is not known yet.
+ canceledUrlOThe url the shoppers returns to when the order was canceled.
+ errorUrlOThe url the shoppers returns to when the order could not be processed.

Notes on return url usage:

  • If a return url is not provided, then the default value configured on the account is used.
  • The order reference is added to the return url if it ends with an equal sign ('=') or a ('/') sign.
  • The return url may include multiple parameters that are replaced with order specific values.
    The following parameters are supported:
countryCountryThe (billing) country of the shopper as ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2.
currencyCurrencyThe order currency as ISO 4217 Alpha 3, e.g. "EUR".
client_idString(1, 50)The id of the shopper.
order_keyOrderKeyThe generated order key.
languageLanguageThe language of the shopper as ISO 639-1 Alpha 2.
merchant_nameString(1, 50)The name of the merchant.
order_referenceString(1, 255)The order reference from the merchant.


order_keyOrderKeyMThe generated order key.
expires_onDateTimeMThe date and time when the order expires.
urlUrlCThe url to the menu.

HTTP Status

201 (CreatedThe order is successfully created.
400 (Bad Request)The request was not valid.
401 (Unauthorized)Authorization header missing or invalid.
403 (Forbidden)The merchant key is not allowed.
405 (Conflict)The new reference was not unique.

Create Order example
The order is created on 2020-01-01 19:00.

> curl \
    -X POST \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic RG9jZGF0YVBGOkJXazJhZkpV' \ \
    -d '{
        "order_reference"   : "vk20170224p",
        "description"   : "Order 12345",
        "amount"        : 3330,
        "currency"      : "EUR",
        "email"         : "[email protected]",
        "language"      : "nl",
        "country"       : "BE"
< Http 201 Created
<    '{
        "order_key" : "F1499C097FFA533D46FB05D52680AB9A",
        "expires_on" : "2020-01-31T19:00:12Z",
        "url"   : ";merchant_name=testshop&amp;payment_cluster_key=F1499C097FFA533D46FB05D52680AB9A"

Create Order example with explicit expiry defined
The order is created on 2020-01-01 19:00.

> curl \
    -X POST \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic RG9jZGF0YVBGOkJXazJhZkpV' \ \
    -d '{
        "order_reference"   : "vk20170224p_expire_soon",
        "description"   : "Order 12346",
        "amount"        : 1000,
        "currency"      : "EUR",
        "email"         : "[email protected]",
        "language"      : "nl",
        "country"       : "NL",
        "profile"       : "all",
        "expiry"        : {
    	    "expire_after" : {
    		    "unit"     : "DAYS",
    		    "duration" : 1
< Http 201 Created
<    '{
        "order_key" : "F1499C097FFA533D46FB05D52680AB9A",
        "expires_on" : "2020-01-02T19:00:00Z",
        "url"   : ";merchant_name=testshop&amp;payment_cluster_key=F1499C097FFA533D46FB05D52680AB9A"

Create Order example with return urls defined

> curl \
    -X POST \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic RG9jZGF0YVBGOkJXazJhZkpV' \ \
    -d '{
        "order_reference"   : "vk20170224p_expire_soon",
        "description"   : "Order 12346",
        "amount"        : 1000,
        "currency"      : "EUR",
        "email"         : "[email protected]",
        "language"      : "nl",
        "country"       : "NL",
        "return_urls"        : {
    	    "success" : "",
    	    "canceled" : "${merchant_name}/canceled?id=${order_reference}"
< Http 201 Created
<    '{
        "order_key" : "F1499C097FFA533D46FB05D52680AB9A",
        "expires_on" : "2020-01-02T19:00:00Z",
        "url"   : ";merchant_name=testshop&amp;payment_cluster_key=F1499C097FFA533D46FB05D52680AB9A"

Create Order example with billing address key

> curl \
    -X POST \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic RG9jZGF0YVBGOkJXazJhZkpV' \ \
    -d '{
        "order_reference"       : "vk20170224p",
        "description"           : "Order 12345",
        "amount"                : 1000,
        "currency"              : "EUR",
        "language"              : "nl",
        "profile"               : "all-af",
        "billing_address_key"   : "4905560f-f83e-497d-a1cf-616d2cdbcf76"
< Http 201 Created
<    '{
        "order_key" : "56058234D3F394FDF9956B02C3DEAE5C",
        "expires_on" : "2020-09-14T14:42:35Z",
        "url"   : ";merchant_name=testshop&amp;payment_cluster_key=56058234D3F394FDF9956B02C3DEAE5C"

Returns a list of orders

Returns a list of all orders created on a specific day.

GET /ps/api/public/v1/merchants/{merchant_key}/orders?[date={date}]


merchant_keyMerchantKeyThe key of the merchant.


dateDateOThe day to list the orders from as yyyy-mm-dd. If not specified the current day is used.


Not applicable.


Array of:

order_referenceString(1, 255)MThe order reference from the merchant.
timestampDateTimeMThe date and time when the order was created.
expires_onDateTimeMThe date and time when the order expires.
order_keyOrderKeyMThe order key.
urlUrlCThe url to the menu.

HTTP Status

200 (OK)Success.
400 (Bad Request)The data parameter is not a valid date.
401 (Unauthorized)Authorization header missing or invalid.
403 (Forbidden)The merchant key is not allowed.

List Orders example

> curl \
    -X GET \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic RG9jZGF0YVBGOkJXazJhZkpV' \
< Http 200 Ok
<    '[
            "order_reference"   : "vk20170224p",
            "timestamp"         : "2017-02-24T17:08:43Z",
            "expires_on"        : "2017-03-24T17:08:43Z",
            "order_key"         : "F1499C097FFA533D46FB05D52680AB9A",
            "url"               : ";merchant_name=testshop&amp;payment_cluster_key=F1499C097FFA533D46FB05D52680AB9A"
            "order_reference"   : "vk20170224q",
            "timestamp"         : "2017-02-24T17:40:15Z",
            "expires_on"        : "2017-03-24T17:08:43Z",
            "order_key"         : "94D261BBF80E4AC7212B127D3BD2E279",
            "url"               : ";merchant_name=testshop&amp;payment_cluster_key=94D261BBF80E4AC7212B127D3BD2E279"

Return details of order

Returns the details of an order including the status

GET /ps/api/public/v1/merchants/{merchant_key}/orders/{order_key}


merchant_keyMerchantKeyThe key of the merchant.
order_keyOrderKeyThe key of the order.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


order_referenceString(1, 255)MThe order reference from the merchant.
descriptionString(1, 255)MA description of the order that can be shown to the shopper.
amountAmountMThe order amount in minor units, e.g. in cents.
currencyCurrencyMThe order currency as ISO 4217 Alpha 3, e.g. "EUR".
emailString(1, 200)MThe email address of the shopper.
languageLanguageMThe language of the shopper as ISO 639-1 Alpha 2. Used for the menu and emails.
countryCountryMThe shopper country as ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2.
profileString(1, 50)MThe profile with payment methods (among other settings) used for this order. If not specified the profile "default" is used which contains all available payment methods.
timestampDateTimeMThe date and time when the order was created.
expires_onDateTimeMThe date and time when the order expires.
considered_safeBlockCThe considered safe result. Only available when the order is considered safe.
+ levelEnum(16)MThe considered safe level for the order.
+ timestampDateTimeMThe date and time in seconds when the order was considered safe. Formatted according ISO 8601 with timezone in UTC.
paymentsBlock[]OA list of payment (attempts) on this order.
+ idPaymentIdentifierMThe payment identifier.
+ methodPaymentMethodMThe payment method, e.g. "IDEAL" or "SEPA_DIRECT_DEBIT".
+ created_dateDateTimeMThe date when the payment started.
+ authorizationBlockMThe authorization details.
+ + amountAmountZeroMThe authorized amount in minor units, e.g. in cents.
+ + currencyCurrencyMThe authorized currency as ISO 4217 Alpha 3, e.g. "EUR".
+ + confidenceEnum(32)CThe confidence level, i.e. ACQUIRER_APPROVED, ACQUIRER_PENDING or SHOPPER_PENDING. Only available when the status is "AUTHORIZED".
+ + stateEnum(32)MThe status of the authorization.
+ + reasonString(1, 255)OThe reason of the authorization status.
+ + authorized_dateDateTimeOThe payment authorized date.
+ receiptBlock[]OThe receipts for POINT_OF_SALE payments.
+ + shopper_receiptString(1, 2048)OThe receipt for the shopper.
+ + merchant_receiptString(1, 2048)OThe receipt for the merchant, which must be signed by the shopper.
+ capturesBlock[]OThe capture details.
+ + amountAmountZeroMThe capture amount in minor units, e.g. in cents.
+ + currencyCurrencyMThe capture currency as ISO 4217 Alpha 3, e.g. "EUR".
+ + stateEnum(32)MThe status of the capture.
+ + reasonString(1, 255)OThe reason of the capture status.
+ + date_last_modifiedDateTimeMThe date the state has last been modified.
+ refundsBlock[]OThe refund details.
+ + amountAmountMThe refund amount in minor units, e.g. in cents.
+ + currencyCurrencyMThe refund currency as ISO 4217 Alpha 3, e.g. "EUR".
+ + stateEnum(32)MThe status of the refund.
+ + reasonString(1, 255)OThe reason of the refund status.
+ + date_last_modifiedDateTimeMThe date the state has last been modified.
+ chargebacksBlock[]OThe chargeback details.
+ + amountAmountMThe chargeback amount in minor units, e.g. in cents.
+ + currencyCurrencyMThe chargeback currency as ISO 4217 Alpha 3, e.g. "EUR".
+ + stateEnum(32)MThe status of the chargeback.
+ + reasonString(1, 255)OThe reason of the chargeback.
+ + chargeback_dateDateTimeMThe date of the chargeback according to acquirer.
+ shopper_bank_accountBlockOThe shopper bank account information. This is only shown after agreement with CM Payments.
+ + nameString(1, 255)OThe consumer account holder name.
+ + ibanString(5, 34)MThe consumer international bank account number.
+ + bicString(8, 11)OThe bank identification code of iban.

The Considered Safe Level can have one of the following possible values:

FASTESTAll orders with a successful authorization are considered safe. This includes bank transfer, for which shoppers still have to transfer the money.
FASTConsider all orders safe in which the initiative is at an acquirer. E.g. a direct debit authorization which has passed checks but is not yet confirmed by the acquirer.
SAFEThe payment is successfully captured or it is an acquirer approved authorizations (e.g. credit cards do not require a capture to be considered safe).
SAFESTThe payment is successfully captured and there are no chargebacks expected anymore when checking the status with the exception of credit cards.

Captures and refunds can have one of the following states:

NEWInitial state.
STARTEDCapture or refund is requested and/or grouped in a batch.
CAPTUREDCapture or refund is processed successfully.
CANCELED,The capture or refund has been revoked manually.
FAILED,The capture or refund was processed but declined.
ERRORThe capture or refund process failed due to an error.
ERROR_RETRYThe capture or refund process failed due to an error and will be retried.

HTTP Status

200 (OK)Success.
404 (Not Found)The order key was not found.

Order Details example

> curl \
    -X GET \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic RG9jZGF0YVBGOkJXazJhZkpV' \
< Http 200 Ok
<    '{
        "order_reference"   : "vk20170224p",
        "description"       : "Order 12345",
        "amount"            : 3330,
        "currency"          : "EUR",
        "email"             : "[email protected]",
        "language"          : "nl",
        "country"           : "BE"
        "profile"           : "_default_",
        "timestamp"         : "2017-02-24T17:40:15Z",
        "expires_on"        : "2017-03-24T17:40:15Z",
        "considered_safe"   : {
            "level" : "SAFE"
        "payments"  : [
                "id"            : "pid2163179776t",
                "method"        : "IDEAL",
                "created_date"  : "2017-02-24T18:02:10Z",
                "authorization" : {
                    "amount"        : 3330,
                    "currency"      : "EUR",
                    "state"         : "CANCELED",
                    "reason"        : "Authorization request failed, received an error from iDeal."
                "id"            : "pid2163179782t",
                "method"        : "SEPA_DIRECT_DEBIT"
                "created_date"  : "2017-02-24T18:03:46Z",
                "authorization" : {
                    "amount"                 : 3330,
                    "currency"               : "EUR",
                    "confidence"             : "ACQUIRER_PENDING",
                    "state"                  : "AUTHORIZED",
                    "authorized_date"        : "2017-02-24T18:03:46Z"
                "captures"      : [
                        "amount"        : 3330,
                        "currency"      : "EUR",
                        "state"         : "CAPTURED",
                        "modified_date" : "2020-10-29T16:28:52.596+01:00" 
                "refunds"       : [
                        "amount"        : 1000,
                        "currency"      : "EUR",
                        "state"         : "NEW",
                        "modified_date" : "2020-10-29T16:30:14.283+01:00" 
                "chargebacks"   : [
                        "amount"          : 3330,
                        "currency"        : "EUR",
                        "state"           : "CHARGED",
                        "reason"          : "AC06 Account blocked",
                        "chargeback_date" : "2020-10-29T16:34:50.593+01:00"
                "shopper_bank_account"   : {
                    "name"        : "Onderheuvel",
                    "iban"        : "NL44RABO0123456789",
                    "bic"         : "RABONL2U"

List Payment Methods

Returns a list of all available payment methods of an order.

GET /ps/api/public/v1/merchants/{merchant_key}/orders/{order_key}/payments/methods


merchant_keyMerchantKeyThe key of the merchant.
order_keyOrderKeyThe key of the order.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Array of:

methodPaymentMethodMThe payment method, e.g. IDEAL, BANCONTACT, SEPA_DIRECT_DEBIT or MASTERCARD.
bancontact_detailsBlockCThe payment details for a Bancontact payment method. Only present when Bancontact Mobile QR is enabled.
+ qr_urlUrlMThe URL to the Bancontact Mobile QR image.
+ intent_urlUrlMThe URL for a Bancontact Mobile intent button; does not have to start with http.
ideal_detailsBlockO Deprecated : The payment details for an iDEAL payment method.
+ issuersBlock[]O Deprecated : The list of available issuing banks.
+ + idEnum(50)MThe id of the issuing bank, e.g. RABONL2U
+ + nameString(1, 255)MThe name of the issuing bank, e.g. Rabobank.
+ qr_urlUrlOThe URL to the iDEAL QR image. Only present when IDeal QR is enabled.
sepa_direct_debit_detailsBlockCThe payment details for an SEPA_DIRECT_DEBIT payment method.
+ mandatesBlock[]OThe list of active mandates for the shopper.
+ + idString(1, 255)MThe mandate id.
+ + typeEnum(16)MThe type of mandate, i.e. ONE_OFF or RECURRING
+ + schemeEnum(16)MThe mandate scheme, i.e. CORE or B2B
google_pay_detailsBlockCThe payment details for GOOGLE_PAY payment method.
+ server_urlUrlMThe URL to the Mobile Pay Server. The Url in example is not a full Url. For more details, check here.
+ merchant_countryCountryMThe country of the merchant.
+ gateway_idString(64)MPayment Processor Id of as registered with Google.
+ environmentEnum(64)MThe environment the Google Pay's client should use. For testing on lower environments, TEST should be used. For production, environment will be PRODUCTION.
+ merchant_idString(64)CThe Google merchant identifier issued by Google. Mandatory for production environment, but optional for other environments.
+ merchant_originString(255)OThe fully qualified domain name of the merchant.
+ allowed_card_networksString(1, 64)[]MThe allowed card networks for Payment via Google Pay.
apple_pay_detailsBlockCThe payment details for APPLE_PAY payment method.
+ server_urlUrlMThe URL to the Mobile Pay Server. The Url in example is not a full Url. For more detail, check here and or here.
+ merchant_countryCountryMThe country of the merchant.
+ supported_networksString(1, 64)[]MThe supported card networks for Payment via Apple Pay.
paypal_detailsBlockCThe payment details for PayPal payment method and its returned only when the Merchant onboarded on PayPal and has given consent CM to do payments processing on behalf of them.
+ action_urlUrlMThe url to complete the Payment via PS back office., check here.
+ script_urlUrlMThe PayPal Js Sdk script url which is used to load the PayPal button on the checkout page.
+ business_codeString(1, 64)[]MThe CM PS PayPal business code to enable the Js Sdk.

HTTP Status

200 (OK)Success.
400 (Bad Request)The request was not valid.
401 (Unauthorized)Authorization header missing or invalid.
403 (Forbidden)The merchant key is not allowed.
404 (Not Found)The order key was not found.

List payment methods Api response example

> curl \
    -X GET \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic RG9jZGF0YVBGOkJXazJhZkpV' \
< Http 200 Ok
<    '[
            "method" : "VISA"
            "method" : "MASTERCARD"

            "method" : "IDEAL",
            "qr_url"        : ""
            "method" : "BANCONTACT",
            "bancontact_details"    : {
                "qr_url"    : "",
                "intent_url"    : "bepgenapp://DoTx?TransId=1TESTTMA.DOCDATAPAYMENTS.COM/BEP$QLI7W4RDFDZMH4Z5FCAJ7DZV"
            "method" : "SEPA_DIRECT_DEBIT",
            "sepa_direct_debit_details" : {
                "mandates"  : [
                        id      : "ps-sim-1575466412104",
                        type    : "ONE_OFF",
                        scheme  : "CORE"
            "method": "APPLE_PAY",
            "apple_pay_details": {
                "server_url": "",
                "merchant_country": "NL",
                "supported_networks": [
            "method": "GOOGLE_PAY",
            "google_pay_details": {
                 "server_url": "",
                 "merchant_country": "NL",
                 "gateway_id": "example",
                 "environment": "TEST",
                 "merchant_id": "default",
                 "merchant_origin": "",
                 "allowed_card_networks": [
        "method": "PAYPAL_EXPRESS_CHECKOUT",
        "paypal_details": {
            "action_url": "",
            "script_url": ";merchant-id=MERCHT-ID-182a402b-4¤cy=EUR&amp;intent=capture&amp;enable-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; funding=paylater&disable-funding=card%2Cbancontact%2Cblik%2Ceps%2Cgiropay%2Cideal%2Cmercadopago%2Cmybank%2Cp24%2Csepa%2Csofort%2Cvenmo&commit=true&vault=false",
            "business_code": "CM_Payments_PPCP"

Cancel Order

The cancel order cancels the payment order before or after the authorization of the Payment.
The Order will be cancelled only if the Payment is not captured yet.

DELETE /ps/api/public/v1/merchants/{merchant_key}/orders/{order_key}


merchant_keyMerchantKeyThe key of the merchant.
order_keyOrderKeyThe key of the order.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.

HTTP Status

204 (No context )Success
401 (Not Authorized)The merchant is not authorized to execute the request.
403 (Forbidden)The merchant is not found.
404 (Not Found)The order was not found.
409 (Conflict)The order cannot be cancelled as the Payment might be captured already.

Delete Order example

> curl \
    -X DELETE \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic RG9jZGF0YVBGOkJXazJhZkpV' \
< Http 204 Ok