Getting Started

It is easy to get started using Postman, a Rest API tool.

  1. Download and install Postman.
  2. Import the following configuration files (File > Import):
  3. The default configuration uses the merchant "testshop" on the test environment.
    1. To view these settings:
      1. Select the 'PS Rest API' environment in the upper right corner of the Postman app.
      2. Click the Quick Look icon next to environment.
      3. The initial and current variable values of the environment are shown.
    2. To change these settings:
      1. Click on the "Edit" link.
      2. Only change the Current Value of the variables.
      3. Click on the "Update" button.
      4. Close the "Manage Environments" window.
  4. The requests are listed in the "PS Rest API" collections sidebar.
    1. To send a request:
      1. Click on the request in the collections sidebar, e.g. "Create a new order".
      2. Click in the "Body" tab and change the request parameters.
      3. Click on the "Send" button.

You can sign up for a test account here.