HTTP Headers

The Rest API HTTP-POST and HTTP-PUT request all expect the content-type header to be set Content-Type: application/json, unless explicit stated that a different content header is to be used.

All the responses of the Rest API are of type application/json, unless explicitly stated otherwise.


A request and response messages are encoded using UTF-8.

Error Response

Errors are indicated by the http status 4xx or 5xx. The JSON response contain the details of the error.


messagesString(1,255) []MOne or more messages giving details about the error.

HTTP Status

400 (Bad Request)The parameters or request are not valid.
401 (Unauthorized)Authorization header missing or invalid.
403 (Forbidden)The merchant key is not allowed or the request is not allowed.
404 (Not Found)The reference was not found.
405 (Conflict)The new reference was not unique.
500 (Internal Server Error)Something went wrong.

Error response example

> curl \
    -X POST \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic RG9jZGF0YVBGOkJXazJhZkpV' \ \
    -d '{
        "reference"     : "vk20170224p",
        "description"   : "Order 12345",
        "amount"        : 3330,
        "currency"      : "EUR",
        "country"       : "NLD"
< Http 400 - Bad Request
<    '{
        "messages": [
            "Property 'country' must match \"[A-Z]{2}\"",
            "Property 'email' may not be null"